Welcome to week four of the Active Rugby Hubs Home Workouts.
1. WARM UP - Two Rounds (5 minutes)
1.a 6 x Front-side-Front Bridge (5 secs each position)
1.b 16 x Single leg box hops (8 per leg)
1.c 15 metres x Skips
2. MAIN WORKOUT - Two Rounds (20 minutes)
2.a 12 x Pass and catch ball handing
Standing with a ball, pass the ball as high above your head as possible (remembering to point fingers and turn wrists as ball is released). As the ball comes down, position your body so that you can catch the ball with two hands. Ensure you have eyes on the ball, chest under the ball, two hand cradle/bucket to catch. Once you've caught it, keep hands close to chest.
Beginners - Start with passing the ball less high and focus on pass and catch technique
Advanced - See how many claps can be fit in between pass and catch
2.b 24 x Scrumhalf passing (12 per side)
Perform this against a wall/fence if on your own
Beginners - Reduce metres between passer and receiver
Advanced - Add in a couple of steps before the pass, arriving to pass
2.c 12 x Sumo squats holding ball to chest
Beginner - Normal squats
Advanced -Hold for three seconds at bottom of each rep
2.d 12 x Standing walkout pushups
Beginner - No push ups, only walk outs
Advanced -Add a three second hold before push up
2.e 10 x Vertical jump continuous (hold ball)
Beginner - No ball
Advanced - Use small weights
2.f 12 x Ball presentation work
Beginner - Start on knees, score try and then present ball
Advanced - Run a five-metre shuttle after each rep
2.g 20 x Single leg glute bridge (10 per leg)
Beginner -Double leg only
Advanced -Hold at the top of each rep for three seconds
3. FINISHER - One Set (5 minutes)
3.a 60sec Body Shape Hold
Beginner - Drop knees
Advanced - hold for longer time
3.b 60sec Body Shape Hold with alternate feet off ground
Beginner - Hold static position only
Advanced - Hold for longer time, can also take one arm off the ground
3.c 6 x 10-second Scrum hold shape
Beginner - Start posture a bit higher until comfortable with technique
Advanced - Drop hip height and shoulder height down