Welcome to the first of the Active Hub Home Workouts.
We'll be bringing you a new workout every week during community rugby postponement.
1. WARM UP - Two Rounds (5 minutes)
1.a 8x Prisoner Squats
1.b 8 x Glute Bridge
1.c 2 x Side Shuffles with ball
2. MAIN WORKOUT - Two Rounds (20 minutes)
2.a 30 seconds Ball handling activities (5 activities)
Around head
Around waist
Around each leg
Figure 8s
Switch hands between legs
2.b 12 x Lineout jump and land
Beginners - preload jump with feet stationary and no movement.
Advanced - Add ball or weighted object and vary between normal stance and split stance
2.c 20 x Reverse Lunge with ball (10 per leg)
Beginner - Stationary reverse lunge
Advanced - Add ball or weights held out in front of the body
2.d 20 x Press up with rotation
Beginner - simple press up
Advanced - add small weight on rotation
2.e 12 x Forward bounding jump squats
Beginner - Squad jump into air
Advanced - three jumps in a row
2.f 12 x Tackle assist and jackal
Burpee into good body shape over the ball in a breakdown/tackle contest scenario. Ideally, split feet to be able to hinge off either hip, chest over ball, ball to chest, eyes through the glasses, turtle neck area in strong wide base, low centre of gravity.
Beginner - Simple burpee, down and up, focusing on hip, pop up into good shape over ball (no rotation)
Advanced - Add weight/medicine ball as the 'ball" , use split stance
2.g 20 x Single leg glute bridge (10 per leg)
Beginner - Double leg glute bridge (both feet on the ground)
Advanced - Hold in air for 3-4 seconds between each rep
3. FINISHER - One Set (5 minutes)
3.a 60 seconds Body Shape Hold
3.b 15 seconds Body Shape Hold (alternating one leg, one hand in air)
3.c 3 x Body shape hold with movement - crawl out five metres and back