Colour Tag
Assemble triangles using three different coloured cones and in groups of three assign one participant to each cone. Near to each triangle, set up a ‘try line’ using two more cones. On the Coach’s signal, participants move in a clockwise direction around the triangle by performing different movements such as hopping, skipping, jumping or running. When the coach yells out the colour of one of the cones, the participant nearest to that cone becomes the ‘Tagger’ and must attempt to tag the other participants before they can cross the ‘try line’.
- 3 x different coloured cones per triangle plus 2 x extra cones
Coaching Outcome
Participants develop spatial awareness and agility and learn to move confidently into space in this fun evasion game.
Change It
- Develop ball familiarity by asking participants to carry a ball in two hands and attempt to score a try before being tagged.
- Swap the Coach’s call so that the participant nearest to the colour cone called becomes the ‘Attacker’ and must attempt being tagged by two ‘Taggers’.
- Alter the size of the triangles and/or the distance to the ‘try line’.
Check for Understanding
- What part of the body should we look at when tagging an opponent?
- What can we do to ensure that we do not run into other participants?