Stuck in the Mud


Assemble a grid and select up to three participants to be 'Taggers'. On the Coach's signal, participants must move from one end of the grid to the other without being tagged. If tagged, the participant must remain ‘stuck in the mud’ until another participant crawls through their legs and frees them.

  • 14 x cones

Coaching Outcome

Participants develop spatial awareness, agility and learn to work as a team in this fun evasion game.

Change It
  • Develop ball familiarity by asking participants to carry a ball in two hands.
  • Alter the size of the grid and the distance that participants need to move without being tagged.
  • Once tagged, participants must drop to the ground in the ‘prawn’ position. Participants can only become free once another participant tags them.

Check for Understanding
  • What part of the body should we look at when tagging an opponent?
  • What can we do to ensure that we do not run into other participants?