
Below is the list of laws for each age group and format of the game. 
Nathan Mass reffing

Laws of the Game

The latest ‘Laws of the Game’ which includes XVs, 7s, 10s, Under 19s, Pathways and Touch 7s


Game Management Guidelines

View the latest ‘Game Management Guidelines’.

Kids Scrum Referee

Kids Pathway Laws (U4-U12)

Pathway (U6-U12) Law Variations can be found here.

U19 Law Variations Referee

U19 Australian Law Variations (U13-U19).

Australian U19 Law Variations can be found here.

Female Referee at Scrum

Refereeing in Practice

Rugby AU Refereeing In Practice can be found here.

Veterans Referee

Veterans Rugby Laws

The latest ‘Veterans Rugby Laws’ can be downloaded below. They remain unchanged from 2018.

Beach 5s Referee

Beach 5s Laws

The latest ‘Beach 5s Laws’ are available below

Amy Kilmeister Referee

Australian Domestic Law Variations

If you are looking to request a variation to the Australian Domestic Law please complete the form below and return to us

Elizabeth 7s Referee

Accreditation Policy

See Rugby Australia’s Accreditation policy

7s Referee Photo 1

Rugby 7s Crossfield U10-U12 and Full Field Law U13-U19