Rugby Admin
Temporary Work Visa Applications
Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity) visa (subclass 408) is for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis via-Sport stream:
- To improve the quality of sport in Australia through participation in high-level competition with Australian residents
- To participate in a specific event / series of events as an individual or as part of a team or its support staff
- To play, coach or instruct for a sporting club for a season under contract
- Judge or adjudicate a sporting competition or show.
Limits on Approved Visa's per 12-months (community)
The Sports stream of the Temporary Activity (Subclass 408) visa does not support more than two overseas sports professionals contracted to a club playing in local or regional competitions. The benefit to the sport in Australia of such professionals at local sporting clubs focusses on the improvement in skills achieved for local club sportspersons and encouraging participation by local players. It is to the strong detriment of local Australian player opportunity if multiple overseas sports professionals are contracted by a local club in the pursuit of local and regional sporting success. This policy applies to all sporting codes.
Letter of Endorsement
Nominations for Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity) visa (subclass 408) in Sport stream will require an accompanying letter of endorsement from the respective Australian national sporting body.
Rugby Australia will only endorse nominations under Temporary Work visa (subclass 408) in Sport stream to “play, coach or instruct for a sporting club for a season under contract”, where, in the assessment of Rugby AU:
- The Nominated Person, has the ability to play, coach or instruct at the Australian national level
- The Nominated Person, will benefit the sport in Australia through their participation in that sport.
It is important to note that the letter of endorsement from the Australian National Sporting Organisation is the only component involved in the process completed by Rugby Australia. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship will require the submission of additional forms and before a visa application can be made.
Further visa information and visa options should be directed to Department of Immigration and Border Protection at
Apply for a Rugby AU Letter of Endorsement here and provide supporting evidence of eligibility and required documentation to:
Administrator, Community Rugby
Rugby Australia PO BOX 800 Surry Hills NSW 2010
T: +61 2 8005 5555