Codes and Policies

Child Safeguarding Resources
Helping everyone understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to keeping children and young people safe in rugby.

As part of our commitment to creating safer environments for children and young people to enjoy rugby, there are a number of guidance and information resources for children and young people, parents, volunteers, staff and clubs. These resources will help everyone involved in the game to understand what they can do in their role to help create a safe and enjoyable environment for children and young people.

Children lined up applauding

Children and Young People

If you’re under 18 and want to know what your club and Rugby Australia are doing to protect your welfare, or if you have anything you’d like to tell us, please click here

Volunteer coach speaking with children

Clubs, Staff and Volunteers

Here you will find guidance for clubs, staff and volunteers on how to create safe and enjoyable environments for children and young people.

Parents sitting next to child


Rugby Australia recognises the important role parents play in their child’s development. You can find out more about how you can keep your child safe and enjoying rugby here.

Additional Resources

The Rugby Learning Centre also hosts a range of courses including:

  • Rugby AU Child Safeguarding Policy Course
  • Rugby AU Member Protection and Inclusion Course
  • Rugby AU Code of Conduct

Play By the Rules (PBTR) offers information, resources, tools and free online training to assist coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators in preventing and dealing with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity in sport.

You can find more information by visiting the PBTR website.

The eSafety Commissioner also offer a wide range of online safety advice and resources for clubs, children, volunteers and parents to help make sure everyone in sport has more positive experiences online.

You can find more information by visiting the eSafety Commissioner's website.